Where Can I Drive On a Georgia Limited Driving Permit?

A Georgia Limited Driving Permit is an option after your Georgia Drivers License has been suspended for certain offenses by the Georgia Department of Driver Services. You aren’t entitled to a limited driving permit for every suspension of your Georgia drivers license. Suspensions where you may be eligible for a limited driving permit include, but are not limited to:

  • A 1st conviction in the last five years for Driving Under the Influence of alcohol (not DUI drugs)

  • Any felony in the commission of which a motor vehicle is used (includes drug and controlled substance charges)

  • Operating a motor vehicle with a revoked, canceled, or suspended registration

  • Racing on highways or streets

  • Hit and run/Leaving the scene of an accident

  • Vehicular homicide in the 2nd degree

  • Fleeing and eluding

  • Accumulation of 15 points or more in a 2 year period

A limited permit costs $25 and is valid for one year. It can be renewed if necessary. While holding a Georgia limited driving permit, your ability to drive will be restricted to within the state of Georgia as your license is still technically suspended. A limited driving permit can only be used for the following activities:

  1. Going to the holder’s place of employment, or perform the normal duties of his/her occupation;

  2. Receiving scheduled medical care or obtaining prescription drugs;

  3. Attending a college or school at which he or she is regularly enrolled as a student;

  4. Attending regularly scheduled sessions or meetings of treatment support organizations for persons who have addiction or abuse problems related to alcohol or other drugs, which organizations are recognized by the commissioner;

  5. Attending under court order any driver education or improvement school or alcohol or drug program or course approved by the court which entered the judgment of conviction resulting in suspension of his or her driver's license or by the commissioner;

  6. Attending court, reporting to a probation office or officer, or performing community service;

  7. Transporting an immediate family member who does not hold a valid driver's license to work, medical care, or prescriptions or to school or

  8. Attending any program, event, treatment, or activity ordered by a judge presiding in an accountability court

If you are convicted of a moving violation while driving on a Georgia limited driving permit or accused of violating the restrictions of your Georgia limited driving permit, your limited driving permit will be revoked and your license will be suspended for the duration of the suspension period or six months from the date your permit was revoked, whichever is longer. You cannot drive to the grocery store on a limited driving permit, to a movie, or out to eat at a restaurant. You are limited to the above activities. If you have any questions about a Georgia limited driving permit, feel free to reach out by phone or text at 678-753-6431 for a free consultation.


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