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Georgia Personal Injury Representation

Through my years of representing injured Georgians, I know these incidents always happen at the worst time. You’re injured, and missing time from work. The physical and mental pain and suffering is creating additional stresses in your life and relationships. It is important to be prepared before these accidents happen. The only compensation you will receive after a Georgia personal injury claim is money. The following steps may be crucial to maximize your recovery.
Report the Incident as Soon as Possible
After being injured, your body is flooded with adrenaline. You may not be feeling any pain in the immediate aftermath. It is crucial that you notify the appropriate parties that an injury has occurred. This may be the police, a homeowner, a business owner or manager, a property supervisor, or any party that has authority to create an incident report and notify an insurance provider regarding your injury. Failure to do so immediately after the incident may prevent you from doing so later. It is always best to make a report of the incident and injury immediately.
Seek Medical Treatment As Soon as You Feel Pain
Insurance companies and their lawyers love to point out the “treatment gap” from the date the incident occurred and time you seek medical treatment. Minimizing that initial gap and other gaps in treatment as you recover is one of the most important factors in maximizing your recovery after an injury. Seek treatment when necessary, continue that treatment as advised by your doctors, and focus on your healing. It is the most important part of the process.
Protect All Your Rights
Georgia law states that the statute of limitations, or time you have to file a personal injury lawsuit, is two years from the date the incident occurred in most circumstances. In some cases, involving municipalities and other government entities, or other situations involving minors and criminal charges, the time may be as short as six months to notify the responsible party of your intent to file a claim. It is important that you consult with an experienced Georgia attorney to protect your rights and your ability to recover from your injury.