Ryan Walsh Legal

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How Do You Pick the Right Atlanta Lawyer for Your Legal Matter?

Choosing the right attorney is the most important decision in handling your Atlanta legal matter. If you are going to hire an attorney for the issue you’re facing, it has you want to make sure it’s the right one. Lawyers are stereotyped all sorts of ways by society, mostly negative. But a good lawyer is worth everything when you are faced with a situation where you actually need one. I’ve been fortunate to do hundreds of consultations throughout my legal career, both with people facing criminal charges including life in prison, and those who have been critically injured through no fault of their own. And while I’ve met and consulted with people from all walks of life who are all looking for different things in their attorney, there is one thing that is more important than having the lawyer who wins the most, or the lawyer who is the cheapest, or the lawyer who has the most awards on their wall.

You want to hire the Atlanta lawyer you are most comfortable with. I tell my prospective clients all the time to visit with as many lawyers as you can, talk to them, ask them questions, then go with your gut and choose the lawyer who makes you feel the most comfortable moving forward. I promise you that this is going to make you feel better about the outcome of your legal matter than any settlement, judgment, verdict, plea bargain, or dismissal ever would. Comfort means trust. Comfort means peace of mind. Comfort means communication.

That’s it. There’s not a science to finding the right attorney. Speak with them. Meet with them. Think about your decision. Then go with your gut. Comfort in the process is the most important thing a lawyer can give you.